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From our Pastor:


"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."     Jeremiah 29: 11


Hello friends!


I pray that you are well and finding peace in this time of unknown.  We often get wrapped up in what is happening around us.  We get caught up in the news and people's thoughts and even what they may think of us.  I tell you today friends, there is no reason for worry, there is no reason to get yourselves caught up in the things of the world.  Our God is one of love and hope.  One of promise and forgiveness.  I pray you find peace in knowing that He will never fail us.  He will always be there to guide us.  We just need to make the move and invite Him to be a part of our lives.  Let's today, build the unbreakable relationship that Jesus requires.  Let us live out His grace!  Church, Valerie, the boys and I continue to pray for you and ask for God's peace to be felt by you all!


It is great to be back worshiping in the Sanctuary.  It is also a joy to be broadcasting our services on Facebook Live.  We will continue to do that as we have expanded the church and want to continue to be there for those who depend on us in that capacity.  


For those of us in the sanctuary, please remember to bring your Bibles, and your masks.  We do have masks if you forget yours.  We need to wear our masks during the service and remember to stay home if you have any of the Covid-19 syptoms.  We have hand sanitizing stations through the sanctuary, so let's all be safe as we worship our God.  We love you and look forward to seeing you in person or on Facebook!


His Peace,

Pastor Paul











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